Friday, October 10, 2014


This song by Casting Crowns appropriately entitled Thrive, really sunk deep into my spiritual veins. Here is the song:

But beyond the music, which is in my opinion stellar listen to these words:

Here in this worn and weary land
Where many a dream has died
Like a tree planted by the water
We never will run dry
So living water flowing through
God, we thirst for more of You
Fill our hearts and flood our souls with one desire
Just to know You and to make You known
We lift Your name on high
Shine like the sun, make darkness run and hide
We know we were made for so much more than ordinary lives
Its time for us to more than just survive
We were made to thrive
Into Your word, were digging deep
To know our Fathers heart
Into the world, were reaching out
To show them who You are
Joy unspeakable, faith unsinkable
Love unstoppable, anything is possible
So these are the words. I know that it is possible to more than just survive. Even through the hardest times in our lives. Our Savior could have just survived His mortal experience but where would that leave us? What if He had never felt our PAIN? What if He had never felt our SICKNESS? Oh He could have survived alright but would He have really known US? Known us in a deep, intimate way? Those experiences required thriving. What about Gethsamane? Could He have gone through it without thriving? And in that very moment He didn't have the Light I am sure He was accustom to. Oh how that much have broken our Father's heart.
On a much. much smaller scale in life we WILL experience those times when that Light is removed for but a brief time. Or where we want with all we have to thrive but all we can must is to survive and the Lord will honor our effort. Why? Because He loves us. He loves you PERFECTLY. He loves me PERFECTLY. Even though I am far from loving myself the same way. 
May we ever feel His grace, love and Light during those times. Our Savior is the Light of the World and He knows how to best succor us. Those times can be tough. Some times we want to quit. But He WILL be there. You know why? Because HIS love knows no end. He loves us perfectly. And one day we will love ourselves and others the same way. Line upon line. And more importantly grace upon grace.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Thrive In His Light: How This Phrase For Me Came About

A few days ago I felt prompted to start this blog. The words thrive and light are special to me. For the past few years I have felt like I needed to have one word to focus on for that year. It use to be a scripture but one word has been more powerful to me because I can truly search that word in the scriptures and other sacred places. For 2014, the word I was given was Light.

Light has such an important meaning. The first thing that happened in creation was light was separated from darkness. This year has been huge for me praying to separate light from darkness in my own life. I have prayed to see patterns that I needed to change and also unhealthy patterns from my family lineage. It's been powerful and I feel it was inspired. I encourage all of you to separate darkness from light in your life. The Light of the World will help you.

The word thrive came to me on my birthday. I wasn't expecting it at all. I just really felt like I had to focus on thrive. I love the musical group, "Casting Crowns" and highly recommend them! As I was listening to their song, "Thrive" I realized why the Lord gave me that word.

I am very open about my past. I was abused in many ways that would make people shudder. I have always been told I was a survivor. All of those people meant well but I got to thinking one day, I don't want to be a survivor. I don't want to white knuckle life. I want to ENJOY life and thrive. I want to see the beauty in life and not survive but truly thrive.

So that is the genesis of this blog. I hope it will help you heal from whatever it is you are struggling with. We are all carrying something. I encourage you to keep a journal. What is keeping you from thriving? How can you invite more Light in your life? What helps you thrive? Do you WANT to just survive?

I hope this blog will bless you. I pray those who need to find it will find it. I am working on writing a book and feel like I need to start writing on a regular basis so this will help with that too. I am FAR from perfect when it comes to thriving. I need to learn just as much as whomever is reading this. Let's learn to thrive in the Light together. I have a feeling that we will see miracles. Sending love to all those reading this!